9 Days in Ostrolia!

28 Jun

Hi there bloggy, I’m officially back and sorry for abandoning you in a week time just because I didn’t get the chance to update my blog due to the absence of internet connections (unless you’re willing to pay $2 AUD for just 10 minutes!) and I didn’t even get the chance to update my FB and Twitter status as well. To think in a good way, it’s better to be like that since allowing me to change my shout out very often while I was in Gold Coast will prolly make me look like I’m boasting up about our trip and what nots. This is because, when we ourselves are feeling joyous and happy to type onto our FB page, we didn’t realize what we wrote sometimes. We tend to think that everyone’s happy for us too but in a way, some superficial people might think that we were just trying to show off and they surely felt aggravated towards what we’ve stated. Padahal, we were just trying to express our own satisfaction without even extremely gloating about it. Oh I’m crapping here wth am I talking about? LOL


So yeah, back to my trip. The approximately 7 hours trip home was tiring especially when you’re travelling during daylight. I can’t even sleep no matter how hard I tried to. (I had cappucino before we actually boarded on plane, so yeah, that kinda explains the whole cannot-sleep thing too!) I’ve been reading this book Playing for Pizza by John Grisham which my uncle bought it for me at the airport and after a few chapters, I started flipping my other book which I got during a book sale in Australia Fair. It’s a cool World War 2 book which has interesting facts in it and it’s nicely chronologized and illustrated for you to understand it better! It’s great to learn things you’ve actually already learned and you can never get bored looking at how funny Hitler’s moustache is and also how weird Mussolini’s outfit during the war. I eat and read and listen to On-the-go playlist on my iPod over and over again until 2 hours before our plane was scheduled to land, I slept. After feeling bummed staring bluntly at the non-animated plate in front of me which clearly read ‘Life jacket under your seat. Please fasten your seatbelt’, we finally arrived to our homeland. Hi Malaysia, I’ve missed your delicious spicy food! Alhamdulillah. I thank Allah for the safe journey and I can’t even feel my bottom as if it’s exanimate from my body!


Being back in Malaysia, nothing fermented and practically, everything’s just the same hot and a bit ‘dirty’ place and nothing to be inquisited. Speaking of changes, Australia has just got its first female leader in replacement of Kevin Rudd. Julia Gillard represented nearly all of Australia’s newspapers on the front cover. In all, I missed my parents, sister, cousins and my friends. I missed Keker’s birthday party and woefully, I missed it last year too because I was in Indonesia during the celebration. Talking about having a birthday during a school holiday week! Arghh. But it’s okay. Technology now is building itself in a very humongous area without borders makes it easier for me to catch things up with everybody. Thank you Bukumuka! To tell the truth, everything’s pretty much the same. The jet-setting friend is now in Auckland for debate, the annoying friend is now activated herself again on fb, the beautiful friend got engaged, the loyal girlfriend has a new boyfriend (which now makes her the unloyal girlfriend), the friends getting along at work places and all. Wow. Some things did change actually. As for me, I’m trying to spend some times with my friends before the moments of chaos and limited timings eventually come sooner or later. For the moment, I’ll just do things I usually do and try to avoid annoying questions without feeling insubordinate and will still try to rock my own sock! Lol. Till then. Bye2.

P/s: Nak tgk Toy Story 3, is it good?



3 Responses to “9 Days in Ostrolia!”

  1. Georjie June 29, 2010 at 1:18 am #

    TS 3 is maaad awesome!!! Go see it asap! :DDD

  2. Hafiz Tarni June 29, 2010 at 6:24 am #

    who’s your loyal become unloyal gf tu? hahaha

    • aishahrox July 2, 2010 at 10:33 am #

      Geoxx : Alaa tak sempat haritu i watched knight and day! Kau mesti suka tom cruise dlm tuu hahahah

      Pistol bang bang : my primary school best friend. hahah sebok je gossip!

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