Tag Archives: graduation

One of the Biggest Day In My Life

13 Aug

Alhamdulillah. That’s the word I keep repeating to myself for being overjoyed on my convocation day. I’m so happy and it’s actually a kind of feeling where I can’t describe with simple words. After 3 years of ups and downs, my friends and I finally made it. I never thought that this was going to be the end of it. And I know it’s still not. I want to thank to my parents for the neverending supports, all my lecturers for their knowledge and also my friends who’ll always be there for me no matter when and where. I still remember the times when I’m scared shit in a taxi at midnight while I was on my way to my college alone after dropping G at Kris Mas, M at Amin and F at Ungku Omar. Each and everyone of them texted & called me just to make sure that I arrived safely with the big-mouthed taxi driver who won’t stop talking about this and that. That’s so sweet guys I’m never going to forget all of you. With me being late to get into our ‘group’, I learned a lot about people in our class. Some of them are the nicest, some are just okay, and of course there will always be the ones with the insincere hearts. I am very grateful to have the right bunch of people with me to go through every happiness and sorrow all this while. We have so many inside jokes sometimes (all the time) it made me laugh like mad crazy whenever I looked at the comments you guys posted and sometimes while even just think of it had made me burst like a volcano or something! Well of course nobody understands it but that’s the point! Hahah.

Being an IR student makes me realize how little my knowledge is about what’s going on around the world. There’s so many things you should know and somehow you just don’t bother to find what that is and interact with it. I may be not the kind of person who watch AlJazeera 24/7 and subscribe the Newsweek/TIME/wtv every month but well, I’ve learned to do that. After this, I just don’t know what I’m going to do. Do I really want to work in a field where I actually apply my area of studies or to really do what I want?ย  OR..am I just simply the type of person who will slowly learn to love my job no matter what position I was offered by any companies? Of course everyone wants to really love what they are doing right. It’s just a matter of rezeki. As for me, I always want to be a journalist, or to be in the entertainment industries because well, that’s what I love the most I think. But I’ve studied IR for a reason. Or maybe that was just a platform perhaps? Haha only God knows. And I know I have to decide pronto. This is the most important decision of your life (apart from getting married!) LOL.

So basically, I am now a degree holder in International Relations who’s currently unemployed. Time is ticking and I still haven’t work my butt off from my comfort zone. This should end right away since everybody’s moving on with their own life now and I think I should do the same too. For the mean time, all I did was help my mom with her small ‘business’, doing the house chores while she’s busy, accompanying my aunt anytime when she asked me to and also go to every get-together organized by my girls when there’s still time. Yeah that’s practically the routines I’ve been holding up to. People said that whenever you’re in your working life, there’s nothing but work. So I might as well cherish each and every second of my jolly good times while I still can. And as for now, I think it’s too much. It’s time to start being adults and think like one. Don’t just think of having fun for money doesn’t fall down from the sky. I have a responsibility to my little sister and of course my parents. Speaking of being the first child in the family, I know I have to do this. Ceh ceh that sounded so serious! Hehe in all, I am writing this post to congratulate myself again and I am now officially a UKM alumni. Thank you to my big family for coming the other day, and of course my TKC friends as well. I am so blessed to be around these kind ofย  people. Again, Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah SWT. Congratulations Aishah. ๐Ÿ™‚ You rock your sock! xx

Mom, Dad & Asem! โค

Dearest classmates who I love the most! G,F & M! ๐Ÿ™‚

